LI burns with Lag B’Omer joy


Jewish Long Islanders were in a decidedly celebratory mood over Lag B’Omer, which began Saturday night and continued late into Sunday.

Bonfires were lit at synagogues, in parks, and outside private homes. There were tasty barbecues, family friendly and holiday focused activities and the sounds of children delighting in expansive opportunities for free play.

A well planned bonfire blazed in Andrew J. Parise Park in Cedarhurst, commemorating Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai’s teaching of the Zohar and his yahrzeit 1,900 years ago on Lag B’Omer. Other activities included ice cream eating, archery (another Lag B’Omer-centric activity), and face painting in Cedarhurst, bubble blowing at the Lag B’Omer Family Fun Day in Wantagh Park, soccer playing and tube tunnels in Cedarhurst, and a relay race at Wantagh Park.