Letters to the editor


Banning the ban

To the Editor:

I had never heard of “Vos Iz Neias “(living as I do in Israel) but the instant I read that it had been banned by the self appointed “gedoilim” (“The truth about the ban”’; January, 7, 2010), I added it to my email list.

I have no idea whether I will enjoy it. I have no idea whether it will anger me. I have no idea whether I will applaud or disregard any or every item they publish.

But I do have a simple idea and a simple concept. No self styled “godol” is going to dictate to me what I can read or what I can think. I am responsible for myself and if I err — it is because I have erred.

My children and grandchildren (boys AND girls) served — are serving — and will serve in the Israel Army — defending our nation (including the “gedoilim” that live in my country). Those kids are the gedolim.

Jay A Friedman

Ra’anana, Israel

(formerly of Far Rockaway)

Saying what needed to be said

To the Editor,

I would like to commend the Jewish Star for publishing both their original article regarding the Rubashkin rally (“Shining a light on Iowa”; December 31, 2010), and even more so, the editorial “About Rubashkin” in the Jan. 7 issue. You have stated eloquently what needed to be said, namely that although the community is united in support of an appeal for Rubashkin for the unduly harsh sentence and improprieties at the trial, many of us are troubled by the “deification of Rubashkin” that has been going on for some time now, particularly as portrayed in the Yated Neeman. Rubashkin may have done many kind things, but he did knowingly break the law and cause a huge Chillul Hashem that has caused great harm to Orthodoxy in general and the reputation of Kosher supervision standards in particular. He deserves to pay a price for his actions, much as any other lawbreaker.

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