Letter to the Editor 1-2-09


Issue of Jan. 2, 2009 / 6 Teves 5769

A recycling request

To the Editor,

I don’t understand why everyone seems so resigned to the new recycling law. It is my understanding that our district recycles more than any other district anywhere. So what if it isn’t recycled at point of origin? If that is the law, and if we recycle more than any other district, then the law should be changed! Where are our leaders? Where are our government representatives? Where are the newspaper editorials? Part of our way of life will be changing. We shouldn’t change to emulate districts that recycle less than us; other districts should change to emulate us. Where are our leaders? Why aren’t they calling for changes in the law? Why aren’t they calling for demonstrations? I’m calling on all of our leaders, representatives and editors to speak up now and keep our recycling the way it is so that we can remain an example to other districts of how recycling could and should be done.

Mark Rubin
