Letter to the editor


Issue of October 16 2009 / 29 Tishrei 5770


To the Editor:

I want to compliment your recent article “Backyard bullies on Wikipedia” (Ari Lieberman; October 2, 2009) which exposed the Arab influence and lies spread on Wikipedia. Your publishing of the true and promising facts of the success of the Lebanon War, for Jews around the world to read is so important. Unfortunately, many of us start to believe the well-camouflaged Arab PR and rhetoric, and your article helped to bring the truth to light.

In addition to all of us American Jews not knowing the real facts, I think it’s especially important for the Israelis to hear the truth. Due to lies perpetuated by most of the world, our Israeli brothers wrongly question the ways of the IDF. Who in the world sends messages to enemies in advance? Who in the world uses rubber bullets? It’s about time someone stood up so clearly for the IDF.

Perhaps the most important thing I’d like to say is that it’s more important that Jews knows the truth than the rest of the world. Once all of us Jews are aboard with the greatness of who we are, and what the state of Israel is, the faster there will be peace in Israel and the world. Many comment about Kaddish that it speaks only about peace in Israel and not the world. It’s important to know the truth: once there is peace in Israel, especially among ourselves, there will be peace in the world.

My compliments to the author on his persistence - nicely done.

David Jasse
