Kosherica offers stimulus package


By Yaffi Spodek

Issue of Jan. 2, 2009 / 6 Teves 5769

While Congress debated an economic stimulus package, and bailouts for Wall Street and the auto industry, a kosher cruise operator, Kosherica, announced its own “Kosher Stimulus Package,” offering cruises starting at $999 for their 2009 programs.

The stimulus package provides a five star vacation experience including glatt kosher and cholov yisroel meals. Kosherica offers cruises throughout the year to locations all over the world, including Alaska, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy and Vietnam.

“Times are tough, so people want to get real value for their vacation dollar,” said Yehuda Shifman, Kosherica’s owner and CEO. “We know there are many options in kosher travel, but only Kosherica’s Kosher Stimulus Package can boast true five-star glatt kosher luxury at affordable prices.”

Kosherica ( also lowered prices on its Passover packages, which now begin at $2150.