
HANC hosts parent-student learning on kavod


The Hebrew Academy of Nassau County High School recently hosted a Yom Iyun for students and parents. In keeping with the theme of the school year, the focus of the day was the topic of kavod. 

The morning began with teachers, students and guests davening shacharit followed by a sumptuous breakfast. Teachers gave sessions on various topics of kavod, and students along with their parents attended these interactive and informative sessions. This shiurim covered the topics of kavod Shabbat, kavod habriot,kavod Beit Kenesset and seforim, and Kavod atzmi, among others. 

HANC was also privileged to hear noted author and lecturer, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, who riveted the audience with fascinating stories and inspiring lessons on kibud av v’em and other aspects of kavod. 

A highlight of the day’s program was the presentation of a newly inaugural monthly award to students who exemplify the quality of kavod. These students were selected by their teachers and recognized amidst cheers from their fellow students. They are: Freshman Zack Plutzer; Sophomore Michal Kaufman; Junior Rebecca Shamash, and Senior Jacob Berman. 

HANC thanks the Moldovan, Daitch, Maryles, Katz, Ginsberg, Magori, Hill and Levine families whose generous sponsorships were behind this day of learning.