
HANC High cheers for Yom Ha’atzmaut


HANC High School imbues a love of Medinat Yisrael in each student, which was evident in the display of passion and love for Israel at the school’s Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut events last week.

Beginning on Wednesday, the entire high school participated in a program to remember fallen Israeli soldiers and victims of terror. Students read poems and viewed a multi-media presentation that included a video about lone soldier Michael Levine and those who fell in the Second Lebanon War. The program concluded with the boys’ chorus leading the student body in singing the Hatikvah. 

A program in honor of the 67th anniversary of Israel’s Independence on Thursday began with a Siyum Mishnayot on Zeraim by Ari Levine, who spoke about the laws of the Beit Hamikdash and how we should continue to pray for the coming of Mashiach in our time. The siyum ended with a singing of the Hatikvah and dancing.

Following the siyum, the students and teachers gathered for a spirited chagiga with an Eitan Katz concert.  Students and faculty sang and danced throughout the morning, culminating with a moving kumzitz with the senior class singing a Yerushalayim-themed song. Students also enjoyed an all-time favorite treat of blue and white Marino ices.

Following the chagiga, the students gathered to create care-packages for IDF soldiers to show hakarot hatov toward those who fight every day to protect our homeland. The Israel Action Committee organized the packaging of bags that will be sent to Israeli soldiers in the Golani Brigade. Each bag contained tissues, socks, snacks, a notepad and pen, candy, and other necessities.  

Students and faculty viewed three-minute student- created videos in their afternoon classes called “Bits of Israel in Math, Science, English, and History,” which discusses the impact that Israel has had on modern society.