
HAFTR notes Shemitta year on Tu B’shevat


This is a Shemitta year, when working and harvesting the land in Israel is strictly forbidden by Torah. At HAFTR, students have had an opportunity to focus on a universal element of the Shemitta year — emunah, or belief in G-d.

Each grade, through a series of shiurim, touched the concept through anecdotes and enriching halachic interpretations. Each class in the Judaic Studies department focused on a different aspect of this important year. Lashon teachers described the celebration of Tu B’Shevat in Israel and detailed the holiday’s intricacies. Senior girls were fortunate enough to have an Israeli Tu’Bshevat Seder organized by Mrs. Semadar Friedman, head of the Hebrew Language Department, and Hadar Abu, HAFTR High School’s Bat Ami. Senior boys were treated to a Tu’ B’Shevat Seder led by Rabbi Hubner and Rabbi Simantov.

The afternoon was packed with learning and fruit of all kind, and was an enriching experience. Additionally, Chumash classes learned, in depth, the halachot of Shemittat Karkaot and Ksafim, the Tanach