
Genetics talk for Shalhevet


Shalhevet Scholars who participate in the school’s Science Enrichment Program attended a lecture at Stern College given by Dr. Susan Gross, Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology and Women’s Health at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine. Dr. Gross discussed both the ethical issues and benefits in prenatal testing. Traditionally, genetic testing has been conducted at a stage in pregnancy when the fetus is developed to the point where halacha limits the options to parents who receive devastating test results. Additionally, on occasion, test results have been misinterpreted, resulting in the termination of a healthy pregnanacy. 

Dr. Gross is researching a new test that can be performed within the first few weeks of a pregnancy in which fetal DNA can be separated from maternal DNA and analyzed for abnormalities.

The lecture was insightful and educational as the students learned new concepts and broadened their knowledge of genetics.

Afterwards, they were treated to dinner at Mendy’s with Assistant Principal and Chairman of the Shalhevet Science Department, Mrs. Shaindy Lisker, at which time they continued to discuss the halachik and ethical issues of prenatal genetic testing.

The Shalhevet Scholars are looking forward to future fun and academic programs.