Frum Divorce ‘Soul Cycle' Shabbos set for Presidents' weekend Cycle’ Shabbos set for Presidents’ weekend


Frum Divorce, an organization created to heal the pain felt by children and parents of divorce, is hosting its fifth annual Soul Cycle Shabbos retreat on Feb. 12–14. Dubbed the “weekend for the soul, mind and body,” the event will feature world-renowned speakers and shadchanim.

“The most difficult time for divorced people is Shabbos and holidays,” said Benny Rogosnitzky, a founder of Frum Divorce and member of the organization’s board. “If you don’t have your kids on Shabbos, and don’t have an invitation out, it’s so lonely. That’s what led to our hosting our first Shabbos weekend five years ago. It’s a great bonding experience, where everyone leaves full of hope and inspiration.”

Speakers will focus on starting life again and getting past the struggle.

Dr. David Pelcovitz, noted speaker on education, parenting and child mental health, and author of the book “Balanced Parenting,” will discuss dating after divorce — what is appropriate to discuss on a date, should you even bring the divorce up, or simply be two people enjoying an evening out? These and other life issues which divorced people frequently face will be covered.

Rabbi YY Rubinstein will speak about overcoming life challenges. Rabbi Rubenstein has passed through many difficulties including the death of his wife and will also touch on what it was like to convert to Judaism and find one’s footing in the Orthodox world.

Rabbi Yissocher Frand will consider love and what G-d wants from us.

Faye Zakheim, PhD, will remind the group about how beautiful they are, physically and spiritually. “During Dr. Zakheim’s sessions, the audience is always smiling,” Rogosnitzky said. “She speaks about reaching your potential, how you’re going places, how much everyone believes in you and your abilities. She is extremely uplifting and inspirational.”

Attendees will experience speed-meeting, “Simon Sayz,” Saturday night entertainment and kumzitz, and Modi the comedian. Davening will be led by Chaim Kiss.

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