From the editor: Malka Eisenberg

Forging unity in pain


They are three boys — our sons, our brothers.
They give back to their communities, work with kids, are good students, enjoy music and sports.
They were heading home for Shabbat from school, two of them left school earlier to study for tests.
They were going home, but instead they were kidnapped. And now — where are they? What is happening to them? Who could steal three innocent young kids?
As Israel searches for them, thoroughly, systematically, finally cleaning house, arresting Hamas “operatives” — terrorists (why were they allowed to “operate” in Judea and Samaria anyway?) all we can do is look inward to fix ourselves and look outward to do mitzvot, to help others, create unity, and daven.
As the horrifying news of their abduction spread on Friday morning, my inbox filled with calls to Tefillah, to recite Tehillim, on their behalf. Minyanim recited and organized groups to recite Tehillim, and organizations set up systems to recite Tehillim and learn Torah around the clock for Ayal, Naftali and Gilad. Am Yisrael united to rend the Heavens, to call out to Hashem for our boys, His children, His people.
All segments of the Jewish people have condemned the kidnappings and call for the boys to be released safe and sound to their families.
It is time to protect the Jews and stop defending those who want Jews dead. Arab terrorist prisoners can get college degrees in Israeli jail, get salaries from the PA, and can use their cell phones to organize attacks. Arabs attack Jews on Har HaZeitim, at the Kotel and on Har Habayit and the PA continues their incitement in the media, in the schools. An Arab Knesset member praised the kidnapping, and in Gaza they celebrated the kidnappings.
We must continue our unity, keep davening, keep doing mitzvot, and continue to connect with our fellow Jews. We are one people and we must pray for these boys’ safe return.
We must continue to hope and pray for Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach: Gilad Michoel ben Bat Galim, Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah and Eyal ben Iris Teshura.
NCSY, the OU, Bnei Akiva and the RCA have joined to form a Virtual Vigil for 24 hour continuous learning, prayer and mitzvot for teens and adults worldwide. Sign up at:
Below are links to three you tube videos. One is a video of the members of Knesset, religious and not yet religious, praying together for the boys. Another is a video of the three sets of parents who met and spoke with the media. And a third video is a prayer rally at the Kotel.
Bring our boys home.