For Pesach, warnings about keeping safe


Here are some important guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy chag.

Cleaning for Pseach: In an earnest effort to thoroughly clean our homes in preparation for the holiday, please stay aware of harmful and strong cleaning substances.

Burning chametz: Though a primary halacha prior to the start of the holiday, burning the chametz can be very dangerous. This activity takes place ceremoniously at community centers, shuls and even private homes, so be aware of using highly flammable materials when burning your chametz. Often these substances adhere to clothing and shoes, and can rapidly create fires.

•Watch your children and ensure that there is more than sufficient supervision around fires. Keep an eye out to ensure that fires don’t spread and that local fire protection personnel are notified and on site.

•At the sedurim: Two main issues: choking and allergies.

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•Carefully eat matzah during the seder, as eating too quickly can cause choking, especially in young children. Eat slowly and seated.

•Make sure to cut difficult to chew foods into small pieces for children. Be aware of fish bones.

•Additionally, most people change their diet in distinct ways during Passover. Check for food allergies, both in prepared and purchased foods.

•Make sure to stock up on appropriate medications and treatments for allergies and other digestive issues.

Chol Hamoed outings: When planning to be in the sun for a long time, dress in light clothing, wear a long-brinmed hat and comfortable walking shoes, and apply sunscreen frequently.

•Pack water for each person, and avoid sweetened or carbonated beverages.

•On hiking drails, be aware of signage and steer clear of cliffs, large rocks and other potentially dangerous situations.

•Avoid contact with snakes and insects, and pack kits to treat wasp and bee stings.

•It is recommended to appoint a contact person for your trip who knows where you will be traveling and your estimated return.

•Basic safe driving: Wear a seat belt and drive cautiously in heavy traffic.

•Make sure passengers only get out of the vehicle when it has made a complete stop and that no one throws objects out of a moving vehicle.

•Don’t leave children unattended in a car and teach them to keep all limbs inside a moving vehicle.

General safety: Be cautious when crossing the street. Wear appropriate protective gear for any outdoor activities, such as bike-riding, skating and climbing.

Every holiday, we fear situations where travelers find themselves in life-threatening situaitons because they fail to maintain basic safety rules and behaviors. United Hatzalah invests great efforts in implementing prevention and safety rules. We would like to express greate appreciation to our rescue volunteers who sacrifice themselves during the holiday in order to save lives.

In case of a medical emergency, please call qualified emergency personnel.

Stay safe and healthy with the appropriate preventative measures. Pesach kasher v’sameach to all Am Yisrael!