Editorial:See you after Pesach!


As we put this issue of The Jewish Star to bed, we look forward to the much anticipated chag of Pesach. I actually have the pre-Pesach mindset starting from Chanukah, when I stop buying pasta and cereal (how does the closet get so full of chametz?) I’ve been cleaning and shifting closets and appliances every available Motzai Shabbat and Sunday for weeks now, focusing on the paper and stories during the week.

This week has been full of news: locally, the vote on the Number Six School, and what a community can do when they pull together, as we did after Hurricane Sandy. As far as Sandy, the many calls for aniya ircha, the poor of your town, for Maot Chittim, hit home—many are still dealing with homelessness and disruption.

In Israel, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has pulled together a government of right, center and left with the Haredi parties outside. What does that mean? And United States President Barak Obama’s pre-Pesach trip to Israel (The King David Hotel is Pesachdik already and I understand he was greeted with a front page ad in the Jerusalem Post of Mike Huckabee’s Gush Katif Museum dinner speech)? We’ll try to deal with those stories after Pesach.

I hope you have been enjoying our stories; we’ve been working hard. This is the final issue before Pesach. We will not be publishing during Pesach, but be”H, will have another issue out on the Friday after Pesach, April 5th, the 25th of Nissan.

Write us and let us know what you think!

Live the seder, teach the children, that is primary, and have a chag kasher vsameach—a kosher and happy holiday!

Kol tuv,

Malka Eisenberg