“Dough for Donuts”


Elie Klein of Bet Shemesh, Israel is donating his stomach, eating sufganiyot (Chanukah donuts) for charity. Between Rosh Chodesh Kislev and the end of Chanukah, he will be pushing the limits, EATING 125 SUFGANIYOT – a feat of gastric proportions. Friends (and strangers) around the world are donating to their favorite charities for each donut Elie eats. In this, the final year of Klein’s popular “Dough for Donuts” campaign, he hopes to raise NIS 65,000 in order to reach a three-year total of NIS 150,000. You can join this FUN-raising event by visiting the official Facebook event page: http://tinyurl.com/doughfordonuts3.