
Chanukah joy at SKA


When faculty members and students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls entered the building on Monday, it was clear that it would not be a regular day of school.

Emails over the weekend promised an awesome “Back to the 80’s First Day of Chanukah Party” and everyone dressed accordingly, in leg warmers and other 1980’s attire. But that wasn’t the only deviation to the regular routine.

After davening, all grades enjoyed a roller-skating “Chanukah Party on Wheels” at United Skates of America in Seaford. For those who needed a break, there were games set up around the rink and pizza provided by the SKA Parent Council.

And what would an SKA celebration be without dancing? Since the facility was available only to SKAers, there was joyous dancing to Chanukah music and circles and circles of girls and faculty members filled the rink.

The celebrations continued the next day with a G.O.-sponsored “Retro Cafe,” providing drinks and baked goods for purchase. Sharing Chanukah simcha throughout the week was evident in the 11th and 12th grade chesed trips to Hoffman Manor, Gymnasia and Be’er Hagolah, while leibidik 9th and 10th grade “Dreidels and More” Chanukah parties, hosted for members of Otzar and Ivdu, respectively, evoked meaningful Chanukah spirit.

A major highlight of the chag was the SKA Chanukah Auction. In the “bowling alley,” long rows of colorful boxes and envelopes offered opportunities to bid on class parties, lunches and outings with faculty members, Shabbos invitations, and even a hand-knitted scarf. With funds going to tzedaka, this has always been a very popular event and bidding is friendly but fierce.