After murders, call to action against a culture of death


What has the death culture that surrounds us sought to sell in the past hundred years? Look around: there are no Jews in Iraq and no “territories” in Syria, and nevertheless the angels of death gleefully slaughter each other. No science and no industry and no inventions that will benefit humanity. Just death, and it’s wrapped in a thick layer of damned political correctness that has distorted our thought process.

Dozens of organizations stand up for the rights of the emissaries of the death culture while we are stunned by the additional absurdity that crosses the bounds of tolerance. “Just as long as we don’t associate Islam with terrorism” has been the line of the Obama administration since he was first elected and up through the catastrophic embrace of the Fatah-Hamas unity government. The abduction of the three teens Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel, and Eyal Yifrach began when humanity’s healthy consciousness was hijacked.


We must employ full force against the emissaries of the death culture, those who aid them, their military and civilian infrastructure, their sources of funding, their families, their clans, and anyone who knows something but just nods his head and keeps quiet. We know the argument that keeps us emasculated: “It will only increase tension and give an incentive to terror and strengthen the cycle of bloodshed.” Not at all. The culture of death doesn’t need incentives—it kills and murders and kidnaps, because that's what it is. Perpetuum mobile.

Instead of trying to understand, we should look at it as a natural phenomenon. No one negotiates with cancer cells—we fight to dig them out at the root. If new ones appear? We’ll fight again. And if, heaven forbid, again? We’ll fight again.


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