David's Harp: Memo for Shabbos


The hustle and bustle of last minute Friday shopping and cooking preparations were coming to a close throughout the land of Shomer Shabbos. Cell phones, computers and electronic miniature communication devices were being switched off and logged out. But amidst the Sabbath bride’s community aroma of chulent, soup herbs and chicken …something smelled afoul.

The White House Media Affairs Office issued a Press Release dated for Shabbat June 4, 2011. A memo from President Barack Hussein Obama to the Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, it was an email attachment file labeled 2011jerusalem.dp.rel.pdf. Two days earlier, Jews throughout the world celebrated the unification of a city indigenous to the Israelites with song, prayer and with concerns of security.

So as Shabbos licht flickered in the windows and as children witnessed Eshes Chayil sung by Abba to Eema, the Washington email laid quietly without a blink or a boink in the inbox. The subject? Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act. Unlike the taste of Kiddush and the dips for the challah, it was a sobering and dry provision:

Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 7(a) of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-45) (the “Act”), I hereby determine that it is necessary, in order to protect the national security interests of the United States, to suspend for a period of 6 months the limitations set forth in sections 3(b) and 7(b) of the Act.

“Please pass me the potatoes, they’re really good.” “Pass some more brisket.” The Shabbos meal continues. In 1995 Congress passed an Act to relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as Israel considers Jerusalem its capital. The Senate voted in favor 95 to 5. Congress voted in favor 374 to 37. The move was to take place in 1999, 12 years ago. But the U.S. Embassy still to this day continues to stand in Tel Aviv.

“Eema the kugel is cold!” A young one shouts at the table. Clinton didn’t move the embassy and Bush (who campaigned he would move it) didn’t either, as these men were always on the supposed cusp of Middle East peace and wary to cool down Arab enthusiasm. So every six months, Presidents take a break from their diligence and duties and issue a memo of suspension “to protect the national security interests” and not move the embassy to Jerusalem.

We sing, “Yom zeh l’Yisroel orah v’simcha… This is the day for Israel, shine and rejoice!” The zemiros begin. Obama continues to scribe his every sixth-month waiver since his inauguration with the same vocabulary and legal lexis as his predecessor.

But Barack always omits one sentence. Lost in the mixture of the terminology tzimis, he extricates from a people their very heart, soul, Bayt Hamikdash, history and a Wall. He turns over his number two pencil and rubs and erases the words of his predecessor: “My administration remains committed to beginning the process of moving our embassy to Jerusalem.” We bentch the blessings after the meal. “V’al Yerushalayim eerecha, v’al tsiyon mishkan kevodecha..”

“Have mercy Hashem…on your city Jerusalem, on Zion the resting place of Your Glory.” It is the only U.S. Embassy not sitting in the capital of a country.

Scattered prayers in the dining room unify into song “U’vnay Yerushalyim eer hakodesh bimhayra v’yamaynu.” “Rebuild Jerusalem, the Holy City, soon in our days.” Obama gives great comfort and hope and clear messages to the nations of the world that Jerusalem is not intrinsic to Jewish liturgy and land. Through his words, actions, edits and omissions he endeavors to lacerate the Jew from King David’s City and Solomon’s Temple and Abraham’s mission and Isaac’s blessing and Jacob’s vision and add Jerusalem to the detachment of Sarah’s resting place and Rachel’s tomb. “Blessed are you Hashem, boneh Yerushalyim, Who rebuilds Jerusalem, Amen.” We conclude our after dinner blessings.

While Obama’s email cowardly cowers in the digital postal caverns of Yahoo, the people of Joshua and Jeremiah return to Shabbos zemiros refusing to leave the table. “Yah Ribon Olam v’olmaya… Oh Master of the world and all worlds…” are the lyrics. Obama may think he is the king over this planet with his Mid East mindset and Jerusalem memos, but Eeema clears the challah crumbs and we sing to our Creator, “Ant hu malka, melech malchaya, You are the King who reigns over kings.”