
5th grader siyyum celebrates Vaera at HANC


Fifth Grade Girls in Morah Jacob’s class at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School, in West Hempstead, completed Parshat Vaera, having been hard at work all year building their Chumash reading, translating and analytical thinking skills.  

For their siyyum, the students decorating materials to decorate cakes with designs depictinh pesukim from Parshat Vaera.

Creativity abounded as the girls brainstormed and created masterpieces in accordance with the pesukim of the Chumash.

Some examples included using blue licorice for the water in the Nile River before the plagues and red licorice for the water in the Nile River after the first plague of blood, and using dark chocolate chips as boils and white chocolate chips as hail.

After presenting and explaining their works of art to the class, the girls enjoyed eating their delicious and educational cakes.

What a “sweet” way to cap off the learning of the parsha.