
5 Towns group urges safe Purim celebration


The author is director substance abuse prevention, awareness and education, Saving Lives Five Towns Coalition

Purim is a time of celebration and festivities but in recent years has also become an opportunity for dangerous behaviors with devastating outcomes.

Saving Lives Five Towns Drug & Alcohol Coalition and Hatzalah of the Rockaways and Nassau County have joined together for an urgent community-wide Purim 2022 — Let’s Unmask Underage Drinking campaign, to make a difference now.

Purim is right around the corner. It is very important for parents to know how to talk to their teens about underage drinking and substance misuse, which should not be a one-time effort but, rather, an ongoing conversation. 

Be a positive role model: Any type of discussion about teenage drinking is most effective when it comes from a strong and caring relationship. Conversations are more influential when parents are responsible about their own drinking. Kids learn best by example. Parents should set a positive model on Purim for their children and not drink to excess.

Keep the lines of communication open and create Family Rules which should include not drinking alcohol before the age of 21 and not getting into a car when the driver has been drinking.

Teens need to learn to think for themselves. If they come up with rules and regulations for their own behavior, they are more likely to stick with them. Before Purim and any other social event where there might be drinking make sure to go over the rules that you have put in place with your teens. 

Be Your Teens Safety Net: Know your teens’ whereabouts and plans on Purim. Remind them that they can call you at any time if they feel they are in an uncomfortable situation. Reassure them that you will not be angry, just happy that they called you when they needed you. Teens need us to be supportive and loving as they move through these years towards adulthood. Talking to them in respectful ways about tough issues and having those rules in place can help.

There is no mitzvah on Purim to drink irresponsibly and unfortunately, there continues to be an increasing problem of alcohol, marijuana, and other substance misuse among Jewish adolescents. Youth who start drinking before the age of 15 are more than five times as likely to become alcohol dependent as adults.  

Discussions about drinking should also include information about the harms of drinking and driving. One out of four fatal teen car accidents involve underage drinking and driving.

Teenagers should be aware that alcohol is a depressant, causes disinhibition and intoxication, impairs thinking and coordination, and can lead to possible alcohol poisoning and death. 

Please call your local shuls and schools to encourage active participation and discussion in this vital Underage Drinking Campaign. 

If you suspect that your teenager is drinking secretly or may have a drinking problem, please contact his or her pediatrician, school counselor, or another health professional. 

Saving Lives Five Towns Coalition, under the auspices of the Marian & Aaron Gural JCC, is here to assist and can refer you or your teen for the professional help you may need. Join our Coalition and become a part of Saving Lives!

Wishing you and the entire community a safe and joyous Purim. 

Chag Sameach!

Contact savinglives5townscoalition.org
