Health Mind and Body

Parker exec earns distinguished service honor


The Distinguished Service Award of the NY Chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators has been awarded to Parker Jewish Institute President and CEO Michael N. Rosenblut.

Rosenblut was recognized for his leadership throughout the pandemic and beyond, inspiring team members to safely deliver superior health care, with compassion and dedication to older adults. Innovations he spearheaded at Parker include its award-winning Family Call Center, Drive-Through COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Clinics, and, earlier, Medical House Calls, and a first-of-its-kind Indian Culture Unit. Recently, he expanded access to care with the PRINE Health Vascular Center, with locations in Parker’s first-floor lobby in New Hyde Park and at the Queens Long Island Renal Institute.

“This award very much reminds me of my father, Alan’s, distinguished health care career,” Rosenblut said. “I thank the Chapter for its important work, and for team members at Parker, for their dedication and service to older adults/families in the community.”

It’s not unusual to see Rosenblut making the rounds at Parker, visible and approachable, speaking with residents and patients, families and team members. His optimism helps Parker’s health-care staff thrive even in the most unprecedented times, fueling further innovation, including Parker’s Infection Control Patrol, an interdisciplinary program fostering Parker’s already strident infection-prevention measures.

Under Mr. Rosenblut’s leadership, Parker is a resilient organization that continues to find ways to keep residents and patients engaged, incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion. And with an eye towards the future, he is helping to ensure Parker’s fiscal viability, so the Institute continues delivering accessible health care to the most vulnerable population, while bringing careers with growth opportunities to Long Island and New York City.