Back to school at Mesivta Ateres Yaakov


By Yaffi Spodek

Issue of August 29, 2008

Mesivta Ateres Yaakov will welcome over 180 students this year, a record number for the yeshiva, where enrollment has been steadily increasing each year.

Rabbi Yehuda Horowitz, a veteran rebbe at the school, has been appointed as Mashgiach Ruchani.

“Rabbi Horowitz is renowned for his dedication and connection to talmidim and it is a tremendous enhancement to the overall ruchnius of the yeshiva in all of our talmidim being exposed to this exceptional personality,” commented Menahel Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe, Ph.D. “In addition to addressing both the overall needs of the yeshiva and interacting with individuals, he will be working with small groups as well, addressing specific needs and goals.”

The yeshiva looks forward to continuing its voluntary Night Seder Program on Mondays, led by Rabbi Rafael Stefansky, in addition to the well-attended Thursday night mishmar. To further enhance the Torah atmosphere, four young talmidei chachomim, one per grade, have been hired to work one on one and with small groups of students during morning shiur in the Beis Medrash.

“They will be working both with students who require some extra attention to help them master the limudim, as well as providing enrichment for those prepared to delve deeper,” Rabbi Yaffe explained. “We have had great success with this learning model when implemented on a smaller scale and we are very excited for the learning possibilities that are being provided.”

To improve their general studies courses, the school will introduce The Learning Center (TLC), a series of after-school workshops one day a week, “where teachers will be available to assist students and encourage them with study groups, and there will be peer tutoring as well,” said Michael Salzbank, the executive director of the yeshiva.

“We will also be expanding our chemistry lab and enhancing our English curriculum in writing skills,” Salzbank added.

The yeshiva is also proud to be continuing their MAYER (Mesivta Ateres Yaakov Enrichment Rebbe) program with CAHAL, under the auspices of Rabbi David Harary, with a record number of 11 students participating.

“The beauty of this program is that it is based on an inclusion model, insofar as whatever the student can be mainstreamed for, they are, as another shiur incorporated into our regular program at the yeshiva,” said Rabbi Yaffe.

“Boruch Hashem, our reputation as a premier makom Torah continues to grow,” he added.