That's Life 3-27-09


Issue of March 27, 2009 / 2 Nissan 5769

Dear That’s Life,

It was very early on Ta’anit Esther (not bright, just early –– the sun wasn’t up yet) when I walked into the 7-Eleven on Peninsula and Rockaway Turnpike, continuing a Monday ritual I have had for months. I get there around 5:15 a.m., buy a cup of coffee and a bottle of water and head to the gym. At that time of day you make friends with people who seem to have similar schedules or the people who work in the establishments you frequent.

“Good morning, young lady,” said one of the men who works at the store, greeting me the same way he does every time I’m there. We exchange morning pleasantries and then, as I poured myself some coffee, he said, “Are you trying to beat the clock?” Confused, I asked him what he meant since I do this every Monday and Thursday at that time and he knows that. “The fast!” he replied in his heavy accent while pointing to the clock. “You don’t have that much time before it starts –– drink quick!” I am often taken aback when people not bound by the laws of our faith still seem to grasp them. I told him how impressed I was that he knew when the fast was starting. “For sure!” he said. “I’ve already had four of you in here this morning!”

Well, okay then.

I’ve actually always been impressed with that 7-Eleven. Talk about people who are tuned into their community and clientele. Besides the various kosher products they offer (and I’m pretty sure they had Shabbos candles in there at one point), he told me that ‘some men come in the store, look at the food, are very nice to him and don’t charge him anything.’ However, when the store begins to offer a Shabbos chicken special I’m going to go from impressed into panic mode.

When I returned three days later, I asked my friend how his Purim was. “Great!” he said. “I love Purim.” The kids come in, he explained, they all get Slurpies, everyone is happy and they have a great time. That sounds great, I said. “And this year they even made a movie out of it!” he added. “Check me out on YouTube!” I must have looked every bit as shocked and perplexed as I was because he said, “No, really! Look for YFR Purim 09!” And so I did.

And to be honest, it is pretty funny, especially the parts with my 7-Eleven friend. Kudos to the merry-makers at the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway –– who knew what they really kept behind the Heinekens? And when will they be starting a daily daf shiur near the churros?