Rambam Reflections


As a senior in Rambam Mesivta, there are unfortunately only a few more months left to savor before I continue on life’s journey, wherever that may take me. B’ezrat Hashem, next year, and perhaps the year after next, I will be in Israel “The Holy Land,” studying in Yeshiva before I continue on to college.  Although there is much I can write about Yeshiva in Israel and College, what I would like to reflect on is my High School experience, specifically, certain decisions I made as a high school student that have had long-lasting implications on my life.

Almost three and a half years ago, upon entering Rambam Mesivta, I was unsure of who I was, something many people struggle with at the young age of fourteen. Now, as I reflect upon this struggle, I can say that without a doubt, it let me realize my biggest regret during my time in high school. In my freshman year, I did not fully take advantage of all the numerous enjoyable events the school offered, events that I now wish I had participated in.

On the seventh day of Chanukah, Rambam had their annual “Chanukah Chaggiga,” which involved Ruach, singing and dancing, a Chinese Auction for many amazing prizes which raised over $1,000, and a comedic video, made by students from the Stand-up Comedy Club.  As I fervently danced in the middle of a circle with my fellow students, truly savoring my last Rambam Chanukah Chaggiga, I thought about my first Chaggiga three years ago and realized how strong of an individual I’ve become. I noted that I have transformed from someone who simply took part in the dancing to someone who now leads the dancing.

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