Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor

Note of gratitude

While participating in the Passover program at the Hudson Valley Resort and Spa in April, I suffered a medical emergency crisis during chol hamoed. It is my wish to personally thank those who responded to my situation if they would identify themselves. I can be contacted at 516-374-8537.

Dr. David B. Chideckel

Urgent Kashrus Announcement

It has come to our attention that there are numerous concessions in the Atlantic Beach clubs selling kosher pizza and French fries. After careful investigation, it has come to light that although pizza and French fries are indeed purchased from stores in the Five Towns under the Vaad, there is no hashgacha once they arrive and they are placed in treif ovens to be heated.

Until there is a reliable mashgiach on the premises that follows proper kashrus procedures, it is absolutely forbidden to purchase any of these products from these purveyors.

Rabbi Tzvi Flaum, Chairman
Rabbi Dovid Weinberger, Co-Chairman
Vaad Harabanim of Far Rockaway & Lawrence

Prewar chuppah wanted

The Museum of Jewish Heritage—A Living Memorial to the Holocaust is seeking the donation of a prewar wedding canopy (chuppah), or a prayer shawl (tallit) that was used as a wedding canopy. Personal artifacts and family photographs accompanied by documentary films provide a rich emotional component to the exhibition.

The beginning of the Core Exhibition highlights several life cycle events that are important to Jewish life. One of them is the wedding. This happy event reinvigorates the Museum’s search for a canopy of its own, and reinforces its message as a living memorial and museum.

If you have such an item to donate or know of a congregation or individual who might, please contact Esther Brumberg at 646-437-4248, ebrumberg@mjhnyc.org.

Betsy Aldredge
Public Relations Manager
Museum of Jewish Heritage