Holocaust denial advertisement in the Harvard Crimson

by Michael Orbach Oops. Has the Harvard Crimson, the Daily Harvard paper since 1873, gone a bit too liberal? Apparently. Two days ago they published this advertisement paid for by the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, that questioned whether the Holocaust existed.  "At the close of WW II it was claimed that four million victims were exterminated at Auschwitz alone... can you provide with proof, the name of one person killed in a gas chamber at Auschwitz?"  Just delightful. The ad also lists the name of the founder and sole member of the CODH, one Bradley Smith, a notorious Holocaust denier. And just for a nice bit of irony: the adjacent advertisement was for a John F. Kennedy Forum,"Justice: What's the right thing to do?" Probably not print the ad in the first place.  Maxwell Child, Editor-in-Chief of the Crimson apologized the following day in an op-ed, stating that it was an oversight and the printing of the ad was a "miscommunication". The Crimson received the ad during vacation and decided not to print it. However in the three weeks between submission and publication "the decision fell through the cracks" and the Crimson forgot the Holocaust happened.   Though there is some good news.  "We have made sure that the rest of the ad’s planned run has been terminated, and any money that has changed hands in exchange for the ad to date will be returned," wrote Child. Great, so not only did Smith get an ad in the Crimson, he got it for free.  Maybe the Crimson should donate the money to the Simon Wiesenthal Center or the ADL.   

(hat tip Ivy Gate, On Harvard Time)