
HALB celebrates its bat mitzvah


On Sunday, HALB’s sixth grade girls celebrated their bat mitzvah breakfast. This year’s theme was “Ashira LaHashem B’chayai, Azamra L’Elokai B’odi.”

Focusing on the power and beauty of expressing themselves to Hashem through song, the girls put on a stunning performance, combining songs and narration to tell the story of three powerful women in our history who all sang shira to Hashem.

They described the experiences of Miriam, Devorah and Chana, and explained how we can use them as role models for guidance.

In preparation for the event, the girls participated in a project where they each researched the origin and significance of their Hebrew names, and presented their information in the form of a scrapbook frame with pictures, p’sukim and more.

Following the breakfast and performance, the girls and their mothers participated in spirited simcha dancing to celebrate the important milestone of reaching the age of bat mitzvah.