kosher bookworm: alan jay gerber

The everlasting legacy of Abraham


Reality dictates that current events always drives this column, and this week is no different in this regard. In a recent essay entitled, "Questions With No Answers," one of our community's most distinguished Magidat Divrei Torah, Michal Horowitz, teaches us the following concerning the legacy of Abraham in the context of today's tragic events. 

"At the end of this [past] week's parsha, Noah, we meet the father of the 'Umah Yisraelit,’ the Jewish nation. Avraham Avinu, who was tested with ten tests, passed them all. From the flames of Nimrod's fiery furnace to the binding of Isaac, Avraham was faced with one trial after another. 'Go for yourself to the land that I will show you' is followed by 'and there was a famine in the land.' 'Through Yitzchak will your offspring be' is followed by 'take your son, your only one, the one you love, Yitzchak, and raise him up as an offering’."

"Rav Yosef Ber Soloveitchik, zt''l, notes that Avraham could have asked many good questions. Yet, had he asked he would have lost the right to become the father of the 'Umah Yisraelit.’ To be a Jew, to be of the children of Avraham our father, means to hold tightly to our faith — our emunah peshutah — come what may. Even when, or perhaps especially when, our questions are strong and the answers are few."

When considering the ongoing tale of terror that is now engulfing our brothers and sisters in Israel, we must affirm our faith in our faith, and trust in G-d, our G-d. There is no room for questions. As Michal Horowitz continues:

"We, Avraham's children, learn that deep emunah often means not to ask. For there are too many questions that simply have no answers. So, we hold tightly to our faith, we cling to our prayers, and we beseech the Almighty to herald the day when all of our questions will finally be answered."

In his teachings on the Akeida, Rabbi Moshe Krieger of Yeshivat Bircas Torah in the heart of the Ir Atika of Jerusalem states the following:

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