
SKA: Shoah journal, Giving Tuesday


Resilience, a Holocaust journal published by ninth graders at Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, won the Colombia Scholastic Press Association’s Gold Medalist Award. Judges noted that “your magazine is a gift to us and to the generations to come. The theme of the women’s role during the Holocaust is one that we don’t hear of very often.”

The editors extend their appreciation to faculty adviser Sheila Leibtag, literary advisors Shira Manne and Elyssa Quinn, and art advisers Suzy Libin and Meredith Pyle.

On Giving Tuesday — which follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday — SKA’s Israel Action Committee raised over $2,000 for the Neve Tzuf community in Israel which was devastated by fire.

Yashar koach to sophomores for their work on this project, and to Head of School Helen Spirn and Grades 10–11 Principal Raizi Chechik for their guidance and support.