Letters to the Editor: 7/9/2010


Issue of July 9, 2010/ 29 Tammuz, 5770

To the Editor:

Of what value is the concept of sh'mirat halashon when a representative of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center chooses to publicly declaim another Rabbi's position ("Backlash to visit by Sara Hurwitz"; July 2, 2010)? And where does a concept of "hevei k'talmidei Aharon" and "mevayeish b'rabim" weigh in? Those who preach should listen to their own message. Yes, I could go on, but won't.

Debby Steinhorn


To the Editor:

Mr. Alan Jay Gerber unsuccessfully tries  to establish a "thematic link" between Captain Alfred Dreyfus and Rubashkin ("The trial of the Jews"; The Kosher Bookworm; July 2, 2010). This is an instance where Mr. Gerber is crying wolf as well as using the anti-Semitism card. It is arrogant on Mr. Gerber's part to even suggest the implication.

Captain Dreyfus was railroaded to a conviction of treason because of his religion when everyone knew he was innocent. The drive to exonerate him was justified given the anti-Semitic sentiment in France at the time.

Mr. Rubashkin, on the other hand, was convicted of numerous crimes based on a fair, open trial, with strong evidence of his guilt. Not only did he commit crimes against the state, he committed sinful crimes against his own people and his religion: Unfair labor practices, bank fraud, deception, just to name a few!

Mr. Rubashkin cannot even plead minimized guilt due to ignorance as his crimes were deliberate and calculated. It seems that he got what he deserves, when you consider the enormous damage he imposed on the image as well as the well-being of the Jewish people.

Jacques Hakim

Bayside, NY